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    InLife Sheroes

    Your friendly neighborhood Shero.

    Articles by InLife

    The Teacup Wars And The Sisterhood That Came Out Of It

    Instagram was fairly new then and it was more of a "brag-stagram", a platform for women to show off stuff. Designer bags. Expensive watches. Signature shoes. A lot of women...

    • Feb 28, 2019

    What A Woman Should Have by 40

    Fabulous at forty should not be rocket science. Women our age should have things figured out, right? The struggling 20s are over, the existentialist 30s are behind us. In fact,...

    • Feb 25, 2019

    Debt Questions You Were Afraid To Ask

    We've been there before. We wake up in the middle of the night realizing our cash has bottomed out and we are neck-deep in debt. Or maybe not. Maybe it's...

    • Feb 06, 2019

    The World Has Changed For Women

    Women have proven to be a major force in the workplace and they've been recognized as the decision makers in purchases. This newfound power has changed the world we live...

    • Sep 24, 2019

    Filipino Women Are Afraid To Talk About Money

    We probably grew up in a household where money matters are not discussed and when they are, it's usually in relation to debts and bills. We were also raised in...

    • Feb 28, 2019

    We Deserve Pretty Things

    I bought a luxurious silk robe that hugs my body like a sheath of heaven and it makes me feel like a queen. It still sits inside my drawer, wrapped...

    • Feb 28, 2019

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