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- By Penny Lane
No matter how dark and confusing our days in the coronavirus pandemic have been, we always somehow manage to find comfort in the light and inspiration of mothers and mother figures. They have the ability to make everything better regardless of their own challenges. They remain positive even when it’s so easy for the rest of us to turn cynical. Even as we go through the most difficult time of our lives, her unfaltering optimism, steely determination, and remarkable resilience keep us inspired to make tomorrow a better day.
That’s why it truly doesn’t seem right to give her just one day. She deserves more.
This Sunday of May, InLife Sheroes introduces three women who refuse to let this health crisis stop them from building a brighter future for their families and their communities. By embracing their role as mother and frontliner, they are determined to pull us all out of this hole.
Elenita Y. Relox, 46 years old
Medical Information Supervisor at Insular Health Care
Mother to a 20-year-old and a 24-year-old
What does a day in your new normal look like?
My daily routine as part of new normal is living in Condotel for almost two months provided by the company and being away from my children. We continuously provide health care services to our members 24/7.
What do you miss most as a mom because of COVID-19 restrictions?
I miss preparing meals for my sons during my days off. I also miss our hobby during our rest day, which is singing – we share the same talent.
What’s the first thing you intend to do with your family once it’s safe again?
The first thing we will do is to go to church and give thanks for God's protection and then have our meal in their favorite resto.
What are you looking forward to doing when this is over?
I am looking forward to being with my children and to my husband being back home soon. I am also excited to be with my “Superfriends” who worked from home and my siblings, too.
What valuable learnings or experiences have you gained?
With the present situation I realized that I am blessed to have loving kids who always check on my safety everyday through phone calls. I am also blessed that my kids are able to live independently. They were able to cook on their own and do the laundry without my supervision.
What drives you to keep doing what you do?
During these trying times, there are more individuals who need our assistance 24/7 as members of InLife Health Care. This drives me to continue as a frontliner to provide quality and dependable health care services to all our members.
Vanni Vitrano Borromeo, 36 years old
General Manager of Galileo Enoteca Deli and Founder of
Mother to a 4-year-old boy
What does a day in your new normal look like?
I work 4 times a week now. When I’m home, I start my day praying to God, homeschool my kid, then work from home. When I have to go to the restaurant, I wake up earlier so I can still do all these things and I pick up my employees and head to the restaurant. We deliver the products with my husband, go home around 6pm, eat dinner with family and watch Netflix.
What do you miss most as a mom because of COVID-19 restrictions?
Taking my son out to the park where he can run. He has so much energy and at home we really need to be creative to keep him busy. I also miss doing groceries with him and just watch him play with kids outside. I also miss my spa/salon days and just going to a quiet coffee shop and read a book.
Visit my family!! I miss my parents and my son misses his grandparents too. We start from there.
What are you looking forward to doing when this is over?
Honestly, I look forward to new things that God is doing. I want to be innovative as a homeschooler and as a businesswoman and focus with what God wants me to do. To appreciate what I took for granted, like time with family or friends.
What valuable learnings or experiences have you gained?
Even if we think some things are impossible, nothing is impossible with God. I was a little scared to open the business. However, God impressed it in my heart to open so that He can bless more people through it. I started praying about it, He removed all my fears and He provided for everything. I have learned that I can still be a mom and a businesswoman during this crisis! I have learned to be intentional with time management, it was so hard at first but thank God for teamwork! I have a very supportive husband and Ate Met who helps us at home and help us raise my little boy. The only secret really was "PRAYER"!! God is POWER!
What drives you to keep doing what you do?
The opportunity to be used by God during this season! He has provided the resources, so it's my responsibility to steward it well and create income out of it. Thankfully we are in the food business, I don't want to waste this opportunity to help those who can't create income these days. So, I do my part by helping my team and others we know who are in need.
Maritess Bagaindoc Caso, 37 years old
Commercial & Janitorial Cleaning Services/ServiceMaster/Cleaner
Mother to kids ages 1 and 7
What does a day in your new normal look like?
Picking up of checks and food for Insular Health Care skeletal force, cleaning and disinfecting 2/F work stations including telephones, and getting the garbage
‘Di ko maipasyal sa labas ang aking anak.
What’s the first thing you intend to do with your family once it’s safe again?
Magsimba kasama ang pamilya
What are you looking forward to doing when this is over?
Makapunta sa simbahan upang makapagpasalamat sa Diyos na natapos na ang pandemic
What valuable learnings or experiences have you gained?
Natutunan ko ang maging matatag sa buhay para sa aking anak sa kabila ng kinakaharap ng bansa.
What drives you to keep doing what you do?
Ang nagpapalakas sa akin sa araw-araw ay ang aking pamilya na maibigay sa kanila ang mga pangangailangan.