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Diabetes prevalence refers to the percentage of people ages 20-79 who have type 1 or type 2 diabetes. According to 2019 World Bank Development Indicators, the Philippines is at 7.1%. This means that roughly 4.5 million Filipinos are in a very vulnerable position as we face the surge of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Diabetes has been reported to be a risk factor for hospitalization and death in relation to COVID-19. One study from Wuhan, China, where the virus originated, states that diabetes was a comorbidity in 22% of 32 non-survivors in a study involving 52 intensive care patients. Another study, which involved 173 patients, showed that 16.2% had diabetes. Indeed people with diabetes are a high-risk group for severe contraction of COVID-19.
Touch Endocrinology, an independent information resource that supports healthcare professionals in the UK, explains that patients with diabetes have an impaired immune-response to infection. They’re more susceptible to developing infections and getting sick because poor glycemic control impairs several aspects of the immune system in battling the virus. This can also cause a potential bacterial secondary infection in the lungs.
In addition, many patients with type 2 diabetes are obese. Obesity is another risk factor for severe COVID-19 infection and can also lead to diabetic complications like kidney disease and ischemic heart disease later on.
Altogether, people with diabetes are a high-risk and complicated group of patients to treat for COVID-19, with an increased requirement for intensive hospitalization. Diabetic people should really take triple care of their health and must see to it that all needed healthcare support is in place.
InLife She Cares by Sheroes is just the right health, life insurance, and investment plan to help people, especially women, cope with the financial burden brought about by diabetes. She Cares has a Diabetes Specific Illness Benefit that covers women with managed Type 2 diabetes. This benefit gives a lumpsum cash payout up to as much as PhP 2.5M to fund hospitalization expenses on certain potential complications of diabetes such as stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, loss of limbs, and vision loss.
Another benefit that can aid women, not just on their existing diabetic condition, but on Future Incidence of Diabetes, is a one-time cash payout up to a maximum of PhP 250,000 to help manage regular insulin treatments in case of later diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes is becoming more and more commonplace these days because of unhealthy lifestyles. It may be chronic and incurable, but it can be managed – especially with ready funds on hand.
She Cares is a financial plan that empowers Filipina to live normal lives with the ones they love, to be better and greater than any disease that comes their way. Diabetes in this pandemic? Cast your financial worries with InLife She Cares.
Learn more about InLife She Cares now!
Source: COVID-19 Infection in People with Diabetes, Touch Endocrinology