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Live Your Best Life

Financial Literacy

To become financially-savvy is our goal! Real talk on paychecks, savings, investments, and everything about finances that a SHERO can learn to get ahead in life.

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Financial Safety Net for Your Loved Ones

You truly never know when you might need to shell out a large amount of money. That’s why having a financial safety is crucial.

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How Mental Health and Finances for Women Interact

Discover the crucial link between mental well-being and financial stability for women. Gain insights, tips, and strategies for empowerment.

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Financial Strategies for New Moms on Maternity Leave

Explore smart financial moves during maternity leave. Empower new moms with strategies for managing finances while embracing the joys of motherhood.

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Get Back on Track After Overspending During the Holidays

The holidays mean spending, but what do you do when it's too much? Read on to discover tips for how to recover from overspending this holiday season.

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Smart Ways to Use Your Bonus

Get the most out of your bonus by taking a financial approach. Here are five ways to ensure you're using it in a wise and meaningful way for yourself.

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Why Saving for Health Emergencies is Crucial

Learn the significance of having emergency savings. Learn how this safety net can provide peace of mind and stability during unexpected health crises.

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Financial Freedom: Embracing the Marathon, Not the Sprint

Take the long road to financial independence and keep your eye on the prize. Learn how Sheroes can help you accomplish your goals with this guide!

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How Insurance Can Empower Women's Financial Lives

Empowering women in all spheres of their lives has been one of the most significant advocacies all over the world.

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How to Conquer Debt and Achieve Financial Freedom

Struggling to manage debt and stay financially independent? Find out how to efficiently pay it off with these tips from Sheroes.

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Budgeting Strategies for Stay-at-Home Moms

Budgeting can be tricky for stay-at-home moms. Here are five tips to help you get the most out of your money and save on everyday expenses.

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5 Financial Lessons for Women

Want to be in control of your finances? Here are some life-changing money lessons for women that will set you on the right path.

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10 Roadblocks to Financial Independence

Are you struggling to make ends meet? Here are the top 10 things that could be holding you back from achieving financial independence.

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Knowing Your Net Worth

Calculating your net worth can help you better understand your financial situation and make informed decisions about your money.

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How to Set Financial Goals for 2023

Learn how to set and achieve financial goals in your life. Here are some tips on how you can reach your financial goals for the year 2023.

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Smart Ideas to Stretch Your Holiday Budget

For most people, the holidays can be quite expensive. Here’s how you can have a memorable season without breaking the bank.

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Why Women Need Life Insurance

Wondering if life insurance is right for you? Let us help you. Click here to learn why Filipinas should invest in life insurance.

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Things to Sacrifice Now for a Comfortable Retirement

The little things you sacrifice now will serve as the building blocks of a solid and comfortable retirement. Find out what they are here

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Boosting Your Financial Well-Being

It’s never too late to work on your financial well-being. Check out our 8 tried-and-tested tips to see how you can do it

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How Women Can Achieve Financial Freedom

Financial freedom can seem daunting, but it’s not impossible! Find out how you can achieve it at every step of your life

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Why Girls Need Financial Education

Fewer girls understand financial concepts as compared to boys. Learn about the importance of financial literacy for girls here.

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Money Management Tips for Women

Want to get your finances in order? We’ve gathered our favorite money management tips for women to help you reach your financial goals!

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Healthy Financial Habits to Adopt in 2022

January is the perfect time to build better financial habits. If you want to be able to achieve your financial goals this year, click here.

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Why Students Need to Learn Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is an important life skill, just like reading and writing. This is why it needs to be taught in school. Here are five reasons why it’s important.

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Take Charge of Your Finances with these 4 Financial Power Moves

It’s never too late to be financially brave, SHERO! Level up your financial literacy and savings with these four power moves.

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How to Manage Your Money Successfully

Want to learn our top financial tips? Learn about the different money milestones you should be making to achieve financial freedom.

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How to Be Financially Independent

Everybody dreams of becoming financially independent, but not everybody knows how to do it. Build the right habits with Sheroes today.

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Learning How to Manage Debt

Having debt can cause stress and anxiety. Learn how you can get out of it, and stay out of it, with these tips from Sheroes.

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How to Manage Your Debt

No one likes the feeling of living in debt. But debt isn't permanent. Find out how you can get out of it and how to manage your finances better here.

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Financial Tips for Single Moms

Need help reaching your financial goals? Want to know how to guarantee financial stability? Read on for more tips from InLife Sheroes.

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Financial Tips to Consider Before Marriage

Talking about money can be tricky, especially so when you're already married. Get the hard part over with and join us for marriage 101 where we discuss important finance tips.

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Chances to Save Money This Christmas

For every holiday activity, check out how you help your finances survive the season, even as you check off your to-do list by Christmas!

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Side Hustles for the Holidays

Top tips for guilt-free holiday gift shopping funds or even extra savings that could cushion your budget for the new year.

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The ABCs of Dealing with Financial Anxiety

As Sheroes, we have the power to take control, so here are a few tips that could help us handle money anxiety as easily as ABC!

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Yes, We Can! Yes, The Filipino Brand Can!

Because we are Filipino, we’ve shown up with fortitude and heart and we will prove that yes, we can! And YES, THE FILIPINO BRAND CAN!

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How You Can Earn Money in a Lockdown

Whether this comes to you in the form of a distraction, relaxation or income augmentation, filling ourselves with positive thoughts and feelings is the linchpin to survival.

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6 Steps to Get Your Own Business Started

Other than a few keystrokes, there’s just a little bit more work that goes into turning your big idea into a successful business. We’ve narrowed them down to 6 steps.

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4 Ways to Fall in Love with Your Finances and Make It Last

A relationship with a significant other doesn’t have to be too different from the kind that you should have and must have with your finances.

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5 Ways You Can Slay Personal Finance

Understanding your cash flow need not be complicated. Understanding the basics of how your money comes and goes and how best to save it is a basic life skill that everyone needs.

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The Money Diet

The word "diet" conjures up negative emotions. Our brain starts to list down words like reduce, decrease, lessen and avoid. The truth of the matter is that diet simply means the...

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Filipino Women Are Afraid To Talk About Money

We probably grew up in a household where money matters are not discussed and when they are, it's usually in relation to debts and bills. We were also raised in...

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Debt Questions You Were Afraid To Ask

We've been there before. We wake up in the middle of the night realizing our cash has bottomed out and we are neck-deep in debt. Or maybe not. Maybe it's...

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Money And Your Emotion, A Woman's Guide

The rush of exhilaration when you finally hand over a handsome amount for a dream designer bag is proof enough that our emotion and our money are tied together. It's...

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