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“If stress burned calories, I would a supermodel.”
Don’t we all wish this was true?
The constant changes and challenges that come with the coronavirus has us all on our toes 24/7. So, if you find yourself feeling stressed more often than you're used, don’t worry. You’re not alone.
These are definitely very stressful times and to feel so is perfectly normal. The best we can do right now is to learn how to manage it. How, you ask? Girl, does InLife Sheroes have the answer for you!
Tune in this Friday, August 7, at 10:00 AM to this webinar called "The Neuroscience of Stress Management" hosted by InLife Health Care, the HMO subsidiary of Insular Life.
Mr. Ben Ampil, a Certified US-Neuroscience Coach, a Certified US-Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), will fill us in on everything we need to know.
Between getting office work done, making sure your entire family is safe, doing household labor, and worrying about the next black swan of 2020 -- do yourself and favor and don't miss out on this session that's sure to be a big help.