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How to turn your passion project into a successful business
Many people were able to have a successful online businesses during the pandemic. Online side hustles are a great way to use your passions to earn some extra cash. If you’re interested in turning your passion into an online business, keep on reading!
Create a list of products/services
Because you’re starting from a place of passion, you’ll surely be brimming with all sorts of ideas about your small online business. This is good! Keep your ideas flowing and don’t edit yourself just yet. Write down everything that comes to mind including what you want to sell, any branding ideas, and even names for your products.
Edit, edit, edit
You should now have a pretty long but disorganized list of things you can do for your business. Now is the perfect time for you to trim it down and see what works as well as what doesn’t. Try to limit your products or services during your initial launch so you can get a better feel about what you can handle. You can always add to these in the future. Don’t throw out ideas that you won’t use just yet! You can set them aside for now and use them at a later date.
Figure out your USP
Your USP, or unique selling proposition, is what makes you special from everyone else. Do you specialize in using all local ingredients in your pastries? Or maybe you have special certifications that put you above the others when it comes to your services. This will help you figure out who you target market and what your selling prices are.
Accept mistakes
Doing something as a hobby is very different from doing something for a hustle, so there’s bound to be a learning curve. If things don’t go the way you expected it to at first, don’t sweat it! Just charge it to experience and move on.
Set boundaries
Just because you love what you’re doing doesn’t mean your exempted from feeling the burn out. A lot of people who’ve turned their hobby into a business find they no longer enjoy doing it. You can avoid this by setting clear boundaries and only accepting the work you can take. For instance, if you’re planning on selling food online, you can set clear delivery dates like every Monday and Friday. That way, you still have time to focus on other things.
Have fun!
At the end of the day, the most important thing is to still have fun. First and foremost, you’re doing what you love because you are passionate about it. Overworking yourself takes away from that. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. In this digital age, it’s easy to compare your business with others. Resist the temptation to do so and just focus on doing your own thing!
We hope these tips have taught you how to start your online business from home and we wish you the best of luck with your new online business!
If you plan on opening an online business, consider joining the Sheroes Online Bazaar! The Sheroes Online Bazaar gives women entrepreneurs an avenue and the means to grow their online business.