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Despite it being 2021, the reality is, for every step a man takes, women need to take three just to keep up. This is why it’s so important for women to support and uplift each other no matter what.
Here’s how you can support women in businesses in the Philippines in your own way.
Buy from women-owned small businesses
This is the first and most obvious step. You don’t even have to look very far because InLife Sheroes has pooled a variety of them together at its first ever digital bazaar called Bida Ang Pinay https://inlifesheroes.linker.store/.
Buy from Pinay-owned small businesses whenever you can! There are tons that have opened since the pandemic started, so you won’t ever run out of options. From all kinds of businesses and online shops you can think of - resin art, candles, florists, clothing, shoes, makeup brands, graphic artists… the list goes on and on. The next time you need some retail therapy, instead of going for a retail giant or fast fashion brand, choose to buy from Filipino women entrepreneurs. Trust us, one purchase will go a long, long way!
Promote them on social media
If you’re trying to save money but want to support women-owned businesses, you can do it for free by supporting them on social media! Research show that people are more likely to buy from their friends and family than they are from random influencers. Share products and posts from businesses you want to support to your stories or feeds, talk to your friends about them, or leave comments on their posts. This will help increase their engagement and will make their posts more visible to potential customers. The awareness you also make will draw in more customers to their brand which will help them generate more sales.
Learn more about female entrepreneurs
When you think about the top entrepreneurs in the world, most likely the first few names that will come to mind are those of men. Don’t you think it’s time that changed? We certainly do! Do your part to tip the scales by learning more about women entrepreneurs. Women entrepreneurs are just as successful but do not get their stories heard. Be inspired by women who have led corporations and companies, have made effective changes in their communities, or have launched successful businesses. The more you know about their stories, the more you can share about them to other people.
Mentor other women
The last way you can empower women entrepreneurs is by mentoring one. If you have the resources and the skills, pass it on to other women who want to get into the same business as you are. This small encouragement and push could be what they need to convince themselves to pursue their dreams. Currently, not a lot of women are in business. There are a little over 50 women business owners and government officials for every 100 men in the Philippines. Sharing your knowledge and expertise could even out those numbers. You can either do a one-on-one mentorship program or host a talk where you can reach a larger number of female entrepreneurs. With today’s technology, it’s easy to set-up a Zoom conference or even Facebook or IG live where you can reach out to multiple people at once! The choice is entirely up to you.