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Women in Business Decision-Making

  • Business & Social


Through the years, Filipino women have proven that they can lead. A recent survey by Grant Thornton reveals that women hold 43% of senior management positions at Philippine companies. This achievement demonstrates the incredible impact Filipinas have when included in decision-making.

Despite the tremendous strides made in equality and diversity in the country, there’s still much work to be done. Filipino women remain underrepresented in top-level positions. It’s high time that Filipino women not only get a seat at the table but also be at the head of it, calling the shots.

Let’s explore the reasons businesses and organizations should harness the incredible capacity of women in decision-making.

Why Women Should Make Important Business Decisions

Gender diversity is not just a matter of fairness but a strategic advantage. While embracing gender diversity is good for a business’ work environment and reputation, it has many other substantial benefits.

Women Have Unique Experiences and Perspectives

Women bring a wealth of experiences, strengths, and perspectives to the table. Women are often more intuitive and better multitaskers. Traditionally, we are seen as natural caregivers or nurturers. Women also tend to be more empathetic and emotionally intelligent—qualities often undervalued in leadership. These characteristics are beneficial beyond motherhood as they can also be applied in business.

Women Drive Change and Innovation

Women approach problems differently because we draw from our unique experiences. We often prioritize empathy and communication, encouraging diverse ideas and driving innovation. Our inclusive leadership style inspires positive transformation and growth, leading to more collaboration and creativity. We also have the ability to adapt to various situations, which makes us excellent at welcoming and leading change.

Women Bring in New Networks

Women are natural networkers. We are genuinely curious and strongly desire to connect with others on multiple levels—not just professionally but also personally. A large part of how we network is the freedom to express how we feel about work and life. We can show vulnerability and look to each other for support. This vulnerability is the key to building and maintaining relationships, which opens doors to more partnerships and opportunities that might not have been available otherwise.

Women are Great Role Models and Mentors

When women make important business decisions and hold leadership positions, we serve as powerful role models. We inspire people to strive for excellence and guide the next generation of decision-makers. By showing that we can take the lead and solve problems head-on, we help build confidence among our peers and subordinates.

Women Wear Many Hats

It is no secret that women wear many hats—as leaders, entrepreneurs, partners, mothers, caregivers, and daughters, to name a few. Our adaptability allows us to assume various roles and navigate different situations seamlessly. Despite the high-pressure business environment, we handle tasks with grace and resilience. This makes us dependable leaders in times of change and uncertainty.

Your Opinions and Choices Matter

The reality is that Filipino women can, and should, have a large presence in business decision-making. By letting Filipinas lead and make crucial choices, businesses can achieve greater success in the long run. It’s time to let our voices be heard and feel unashamed to make a difference!

Join the InLife Sheroes community for more tips and inspiration to empower yourself as a business decision-maker.

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AUTHOR BIO Your friendly neighborhood Shero.

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