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How do I know if I have COVID-19?
Many of us have been reporting to the office, taking trips to do errands, exercising outdoors, and just moving about a bit more freely the past months.
While this is no sign at all that the pandemic is nearing its end, life must go on… responsibly. But, no matter how often you sanitize your hands with alcohol when you’re out, exposure to the virus cannot be avoided 100%.
That’s why it’s important to learn the facts about coronavirus, especially with all the information – right and wrong – spreading across the internet.
Join us for another free learning session on September 17 at 10:00 AM to understand what this SARS-CoV-2 really is, how to prevent it, and control it.
Dr. Mary Jean Villa-real Guno will guide us through it so you can end the debate in your head if it’s the flu, a bum tum, severe allergies or ‘rona.